Friday, January 25, 2013

Congress John Adams Surveyed

What name is given to a group of cows? A herd of cows. A group of birds is called a flock. A group of fish is called a school; a group of geese, a gaggle; a group of lions, a pride; a group of crows, a murder; &, a group of ants, an army. What do you call a group of baboons? Baboons are the least intelligent of all primates, scream the loudest, & behave the most viciously. Believe it or not, the proper collective noun for a group of baboons is a congress.

A founding father of the US John Adams’s joke to ridicule a legislature seems milder than the above:
In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress.

の集まりは英語でなんというのでしょう? 牛の集まりは a herd of cows といいます。鳥の集まりは flock といいます。魚の群れは school といい、ガチョウの集団は gaggle、ライオンの集団は pride、からすの集団は murder、蟻の集団は army といいます。では、ヒヒの集団はなんというのでしょう? ヒヒは霊長類の中で一番知能が低く、一番やかましく叫び立て、一番意地汚く振る舞います。信じようと信じまいと、ヒヒの集まりを指す正式な集合名詞は congress (群れ = 国会) といいます。

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