Sunday, September 25, 2022




~~~ WORD DNA ~~~~~~~~~~


Japanese ばか / バカ / 馬鹿 / 莫迦 (baka) “stupid person; fool; foolish; nonsense; very, very much”


1945, in the later part of the 2nd World War, the  Japanese word Baka was applied as a code name in the US military forces denoting a “Japanese military aircraft used for the special mission, a suicide attack to an enemy target, e.g. a US warship; a human-piloted missile” & then it has become widely known as a derogatory nickname in Allied Forces at once. With an explanation, they also called it a “Baka Bomb.”

Japanese baka was recorded on Vocabulario da Lingoa de Iapam (Japanese-Portuguese dictionary: 1603), but its origin is uncertain. Etymologists explain that the origin of the term baka is perhaps Sanskrit moha “bewilderment; folly” or in its Buddhist contexts “ignorance.”

In the Present-Day Japanese, baka is also used to mean the large degree. For example:

 ばかでかい = very large



The Japanese official name of this aircraft was Ohka (櫻花 / 桜花), literally “cherry blossom.” Cherry blossoms are very beautiful, but the life of those flowers in Spring is very short; hence, the symbol of short-lived beauty in Japan.

~~~~~~~~~ 言葉の遺伝子 ~~~

第二次世界大戦末期、米軍は「愚か」を意味する日本語の単語「バカ」を日本軍が開発した生身の人間が操作するミサイルのコードネームにした。このコードネームは蔑視的な呼び方となり、瞬く間に連合国軍全体に知れ渡った。連合軍の兵士だちは説明を添えて Baka bomb とも呼んでいた。

日本語のばか (馬鹿、莫迦などさまざまな表記法あり) は、17世紀の『日葡辞書』に記録があるが、語源の詳細はわかっていない。語源学者は梵語の moha 「当惑、動転、愚か」あるいは、梵語の仏典で「無知、無学」の意味する言葉が語源であろうと説く。

現代日本語でばかは程度が甚だしいことを表すのにも用いられている。 (: ばかでかい。/ ばか寒い。/ ばかうま。)


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