Thursday, September 18, 2014

topsawyer's rocks

on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

topsawyer’s rocks
Discovered in p3:
nor had topsawyer’s rocks by the stream Oconee exaggerated themselse to Laurens County’s gorgios while they went doublin their mumper all the time...

Humpty Dumpty says:
“Topsawyer might have several different faces:  an upper-hadle holder of a pit-saw, which is a large saw used in a vertical position by two men for cutting timber, or top-class guy, or swayer, an anagram for sawyer, that refers to a wielder or ruler.  A Mark Twain’s hero Tom Sawyer might hide in a clever way in this term. The word sawyer sometimes refers to a trunk or log floating in a river. Rocks are dangerous for sailors that could wreck the ship. What do you imagine with a trunk & rocks? In slang, rocks are one’s testicles. While chickens come out of eggs,  human beings come out of rocks --- in other words: man’s ultimate home.”



トップソーヤーにはいろいろな顔があるんじゃろう。木材を切るときに二人がかりで縦に引いて使うピットソーの上に立つ鋸引き、トップクラスのやつ、 sawyer のアナグラムの swayer で権力者・支配者。マーク・トウェインの小説の主人公トム・ソーヤーがこの語句に巧みに隠れちょるかもしれんしな。 sawyer は川に浮かんでいる丸太や材木を指すこともあるんじゃ。暗礁 (ロックス) っちゅうんは船乗り達にとって船を難破させかねない危険なものじゃな。ところで、丸太と岩石から何か思い浮かぶものがあるじゃろう? 俗語でロックス(岩石) は睾丸のことなんじゃが。ひよっこは卵から出て来よるげんども、人間はロックスから出て来るっちゅうことじゃな。言い換えれば、人間の究極の故郷じゃよ」

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