Friday, March 26, 2021

Who Is Your Enemy?

 Who Is Your Enemy?

The wise hate war.  Ulysses, the king of Ithaca, pretends to be crazy when Palamedes arrives in the island to urge the king to join the war against Troy, in compliance with the pact of the alliance, that if one of them is attacked, all the Greek kings have to fight the enemy together for him. Ulysses loves his family & himself more than other Greek kings who are far from his home island.

After a few thousand years had passed since the Greek epic was first told, the most cruel war began in human history. In World War II, Captain John Yossarian, a US Army Air Force B-25 pilot, is in trouble with a catch-22 dilemma in Catch-22, a novel by Joseph Heller, which is the origin of the term catch-22 of course. Anyone who doesn’t want to go to the battle isn’t insane, but if he isn’t insane, he must go to the battle in any war. John, who doesn’t want to be killed either in the battle against the Axis Powers or by the command of the higher officers of his own country, comes to the conclusion.

The enemy is anybody who's going to get you killed, no matter which SIDE he's on.



このギリシャの叙事詩が初めて語られてから数千年が過ぎた頃、人類史上もっとも残虐な戦争が勃発した。catch-22なる語句の語源となったジョゼフ・ヘラー作の小説『キャッチ22』の中で、第二次世界大戦中、米国陸軍航空隊のB25爆撃機の操縦士ジョン・ヨッサリアン中尉は catch-22 (どうすることもできない状態 / 矛盾を孕んだ八方塞がり / 常識や規則によるがんじがらめ) のジレンマに陥っている。どんな戦争でも戦場に出たくない者は狂っていないが、狂っていないなら、戦場に行かなければならない。枢軸国との戦闘でも上官の命令でも殺されたくないジョンは結論を出す。


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