Saturday, December 30, 2023

Years Are Travelers

 Years Are Travelers

After Basho Matsuo, a Japanese bard, the father of Haiku, had died, a follower Kikaku Takarai published his master’s journey essay Oku-no-hosomichi, 1702. On the route from Edo to Ogaki, there was Matsushima, the destination, one of the most beautiful view spots in Japan, where Basho was excited the most. Traveling with Sora, Basho’s companion, he began to write the essay with the following paragraph, familiar to the Japanese readers:

Every Day & every Month are like a journey guest visiting you one after another eternally, & every Year, coming & going, is your guest, too. Those who drive a ship for their entire life & those who draw the bit of a horse until they turn old, are like that they are traveling every day & living on a journey. 


月日は百代の過客にして、行きかふ年も又旅人也。船の上に生涯をうかべ、馬の口とらへて 老をむかふるものは。日ゝ 旅にして旅を栖とす。






月日は百代の過客にして、行きかふ年も又旅人也。船の上に生涯をうかべ、馬の口とらへて 老をむかふるものは。日ゝ 旅にして旅を栖とす。






Literally: “the Strange Narrow Road”


Every Day & every Month are like a journey guest visiting you one after another eternally, & every year, coming & going, is your guest, too. Those who drive a ship for their entire life & those who draw the bit of a horse until they turn old, are like that they are traveling every day & living in a journey. 


Basho Matsuo

1644 - 94


Monday, December 25, 2023




ナチ党員 (= member of the Nazi Party)




~~~ WORD DNA ~~~~~~~~~~


1930, the term Nazi entered English that is the German abbreviation of Nationalsozialist or Nationalsozialistisch,  & is also said as a German regional pun created by the opponents of this political party that was referred to as the pet name of Ignatius, which implied a clumsy person. The official full name is die Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP) or the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. 

In the late 1980s, from the fact that the Nazis were fanatic, the new sense of  a “very zealous person” was formed.

In the late 1980s, the US slang term feminazi appeared as a compound of femi-, the shortened form of feminist, & Nazi, meaning “one who is considered to be holding extreme feminist views.”


In original & attributive use,  one of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party members; of, by, related to, or controlled by this party (English speakers often use the phrase the Nazi Party):

   The precursor to the Nazi Party was the German Workers’ Party (DAP) founded by Anton Drexler and Carl Harrer in Munich in January 1919. Adolf Hitler joined the DAP in September 1919…

   A Nazi shot a young priest…

   In 1920, the Nazi Party published the Twenty-Five Points…

   The Nazi organizations monitored the vote process…

   Was Ernst Röhm a Nazi?...

   The Nazi policies, implemented by Adolf Hitler…

   The Nazi book  burnings, known as the Aktion against the in-German spirit, took place on the night of May 10, 1933.

   The Nazi rearmament program…

   The German Labor Front (Deutsche Arbeitsfront) was a Nazi Organization…

   Under the Nazi regime, the German government implemented extensive control over wages and working conditions…

   Some workers perceived economic improvements under Nazi rule, particularly with the reduction of unemployment and implementation of the infrastructure projects…

   While the Nazi Party gained support, it persecuted opposing individuals and groups…

   The Confessing Church rejected Nazi interference in religious matters…

   The  Nazi salute, also known as Heil-Hitler salute…

   The Nazi Bishop Ludwig Müller…

   Nazi paramilitary forces SS and SA along with civilian sympathizers targeted Jewish-own businesses, synagogues, homes, and schools…

   During the Nazi era in Germany, the regime implemented a program known as Aktion T4…

   Both Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, led by Emperor Hirohito,  saw the Soviet Union as a common adversary…

   Nazi Lawyers Association…

   Nazi eugenic ideology…

   Nazi-occupied France…

   The Nazi regime established several extermination camps…

   The Nazi Holocaust or Shoah…

   Nazi war criminals…

   West Germany Nazi hunters…

In plural use, members of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party; the regime, government, order, paramilitary unit, officials, etc. of Adolf Hitler’s party:

   Not all Germans were Nazis…

   Those damned Nazis…

   Gestapo, the Nazis’ Secret Police Forces…

   They were hiding from Nazis…

   The Nazis tapped into a strong sense of nationalism and pride among Germans, promising to restore the country’s greatness and overturn perceived humiliations from the Treaty of Versailles…

   The Nazis attempted to co-opt the symbolism of May Day for their own purposes…

   The Nazis effectively used propaganda to shape public opinions…

   The Nazis utilized violence, intimidation, and suppression of political opponents to maintain control…

   Mass shootings were one method used by the Nazis…

   As the war progressed, the Nazis transitioned to more industrialized methods of mass murder, involving the extermination camps equipped with gas chambers and crematoria…

In extended & attributive use, a person similar to a member of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party; one who is in a political organization similar to the NSDAP or has Hitler-like political thoughts; a dictator, totalitarian, tyrant, or fascist; a racist:

   Chilean Nazis…

   I am an American Nazi…

   IBM suspends ads on X after they appeared next to pro-Nazi content…

   Nazis in Ukraine…

   Neo-Nazis flood social media with calls for violence…

In hyperbolic or figurative use, one who imposes his or her views on others; a strict, inflexible person; a self-righteous person (This use rarely appears):

   Step two three four, and back two three four. Talk about exercise Nazis!...

   Health nazis are critical of the lifestyle of what they derisively label ‘couch potatoes’ whom they regard as ‘an inferior class of people’…

  The grammar Nazi is obsessed with proper spelling and grammar…

In ameliorated fanatic use, one who is zealous for; one who is going his or her own way:

   They are surf nazis…


anti-Nazi [anti-, the prefix that denotes opposing.]

Nazism [-ism, the suffix that denotes a system of theory or practice.] 

   neo-Nazism [neo- “new.”]

nazify [-ify, the verb-forming suffix. “To make a person or country to instill Nazi or similar fascist ideology.”]

   nazifying [-ing, the suffix that means the continuous action or existence.]

   Nazified [-ed, the suffix that forms the past & past participle of the verb.]

   Nazification [-fication, the noun-forming suffix that means “making”; “the process that makes a country, person, etc. fit to Nazi ideology.”]

   denazify [de-, the deprivation or removal prefix. “To remove Nazism”]

   Denazification [“the process that groups of non-Nazi people removes Nazism.”]

Nazi-ish [-ish, the adjective-forming suffix “like; similar”]

Nazistic [-istic, the adjective-forming suffix “having Nazi ideology”]

non-Nazi [non-, the denial prefix; “one that is free from Nazism.”]

Naziphile [-phile, the suffix that forms the noun “one who loves” or the adjective “loving”]

pro-Nazi [pro-, the prefix “for, in favor of, on the side of”]




~~~~~~~~~ 言葉の遺伝子 ~~~

Naziが英語になったのは1930年。ドイツ語の「国家社会主義 ()」の略語だが、この党に反対の人々がドイツ語方言で作った洒落だとも言われていて、それによると、ナチはイグナティウス「ぶきっちょ」の愛称である。

この政党の正式名称は「国家社会主義ドイツ労働者党」で、その政策はヴェルサイユ条約の破棄、自給自足経済の構築、ナチが定義する「アーリア人」支配の確立、ドイツ人居住区 (lebensraum) の拡張、ナチのイデオロギーで「下民 (Untermenschen)」に指定されたユダヤ人やそのほかロマニ人やシンティ人とスラブ系民族などの抹殺による「民族浄化」、及び、「生きるに値しない」と断定された同性愛者、障害者の抹殺による「遺伝子の優生化」、共産主義者や民主主義者などの反ナチの粛清、反個人主義と集団管理主義の徹底実践であった。アドルフ・ヒトラー総統 (Führer und Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler) の目論見では、以上の政策を断行することによって、ドイツ第三帝国は千年続くはずであった。


連合国によってナチが排除されたあとも英単語 Nazi は「独裁者、極右、人種差別論者、独善家」などの意味で使われ続け、1980年代には、意味が向上 (amelioration) して、「熱狂的な人、一心不乱の人」などの意味になった。 They are surf nazis 「彼らはサーフィンに無我夢中」といった用法には、Naziの持つ様々な性質、つまり、残虐性、独善性、反リベラル性、全体主義性、人種差別性、弱い者いじめの性質などといった意味合いはなく、もっぱら「熱中している、心酔している、~にバカになっている」といった意味である。そういう点では、意味の向上というよりは、要素の抽出でできた意味といっていいかもしれない。

1980年代後半の米国で使われ出したスラングの feminazi は「極端なフェミニズム論者」を指す。侮蔑の念が込められたこの単語はテレビのトーク番組で使われたことから広く知られるようになった。

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Sunday, December 17, 2023

Eat the Rich

Eat the Rich

In US English, there is a term STRIKETOBER coined into a blend of STRIKE & OCTOBER, meaning a series of labor strikes & actions that takes place in the United States during the month of October, typically in the context of labor unions demanding better working conditions & higher wages. The term gained prominence when a strike occurred by the United Auto Workers against the Detroit 3 automakers on September 15, 2023, which ended on October 30. On October 6, UAW President Shawn Fein appeared wearing a T-shirt with a slogan EAT THE RICH at a press conference, describing that this strike was a class struggle between billionaires and workers. He meant that it is difficult for the working class now to get into the middle class. He hailed from Indiana, where his grandparents moved during the Great Depression and worked in auto factories, ultimately escaping poverty to reach the middle class. Fein's argument was that over the past 4 years, the compensation of the CEOs of the Big 3 automakers has increased by 40%, so workers should receive a 40% raise as well. He opposed corporate stock buybacks, noting that the Big 3's stock buybacks have grown 16-fold, diverting wealth from workers to the affluent. His motto EAT THE RICH warning about income inequality is attributed to the words of the 18th century Swiss-born French social philosopher & novelist, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, which say:

 When the people have nothing left to eat, they will eat the rich.

米語にはストライキとオクトーバーを合成したstriketoberなることばがある。10月に米合衆国で発生する一連のストライキを指し、特に労働環境の改善と賃上げを要求する状況に用いられている。2023年9月15日に始まり、10月30日に終結した米自動車労組がデトロイトの三大自動車メーカーに対して起こしたストライキによってこの語句は脚光を浴びた。2023年10月6日、UAWのショーン・フェイン会長は、「EAT THE RICH」というスローガンが入ったTシャツを着て記者会見にのぞみ、このストライキを富裕層と労働者との階級闘争だと説明した。意図したのは、今日の労働者階級が中流階級に入ることの難しさである。フェイン会長はインディアナ州出身で、その祖父母は大恐慌時に引っ越してきて自動車工場で働き、苦労の末、貧困から抜け出して中流階級に昇りつめたのである。フェイン会長の主張は、過去4年間でビッグスリーの自動車メーカーのCEOの報酬が40%増加したのだから、労働者も40%の昇給を受けるべきだというものであった。企業の自己株式買い戻しには反対で、ビッグスリーの自己株式買い戻しが16倍に増加し、富が労働者から富裕層へと流れていると指摘した。所得格差に警鐘を鳴らす彼のモットー「金持ちを食え」はスイス生まれのフランスの社会哲学者で作家のジャン=ジャック・ルソーの言葉に帰因しているとされている



Eat the rich.

Quand les gens n’auront plus rien à manger, ils mangeront les riches.

Source Attributed to Jean-Jaque Rousseau’s WORDS
 When the people have nothing left to eat, they will eat the rich.


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