Saturday, June 26, 2021





・金髪 (の人)

(きいろ・こがねいろの花を咲かせる) 植物。→キンポウゲ、ゴールドアスターなど。

(おとぎ話『三匹の熊と金髪の女の子』から、対立する二要素の間で) ちょうどよい。ほどよい。

~~~ WORD DNA ~~~~~~~~~~


goldy (gold + -y) + locks 


In the 16th century, the word Goldilocks was made with goldy “golden” & locks “curl of hair; strand; tuft” as a simple compound, whose original sense is “golden hair” or a nickname for a blond, especially a little blonde girl.

The term Goldilocks is also used to refers to any of various plants that have yellow flowers on the top; for example, goldilocks buttercup, aster linosyris (this is like a golden rod.)

In the 20th century, from the fairytale, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, the term became an adjective “just right; good because it is not extreme but medium; moderately fine; perfect; best” used, for example,  in following phrases below:

Goldilocks economy = ideal growth of economy (with a low inflation rate)

Goldilocks choice = best choice

Goldilocks effect = moderately fine effect.

Goldilocks zone = a zone to be thought just right for a planet of life, neither too close nor too far from a parent star & neither too hot nor too cold for water to remain liquid; habitable zone.

Goldilocks planet = planet which moves in the Goldilocks zone. Earth-like planet.

In John Hassall’s version published 1903, the fairy tale was titled The Three Bears and Golden Hair, & the little bright-haired girl, who arrived at the house of the 3 different-sized bears at the other side of the woods from her home, was named Goldy Locks, & in some earlier versions published in the 19th century, she was named Silver Hair or Silver Locks. The most common present name of the story is Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

One day Goldy Locks, the little blonde girl, was lost  in the woods & arrived at a house by chance, in which no one was, trying 3 different-sized bowls of porridge, 3 different-designed chairs, & 3 different-designed beds. She found out that only the smallest ones were “just right“ for her in each case. The big bowl of porridge was too hot & the medium bowl of porridge was too cold, but the tiny little bowl of porridge was not too hot & not too cold so that Goldy Locks liked it, & ate it up. The big chair was too hard & the medium chair was too soft, but the tiny little chair was just right for her, not too hard, nor too soft. She sat down on it. It was broken in pieces under her weight.

She next went up the stairs & tried 3 different-designed beds to rest upstairs. The big bed was too high at the head for her & the medium bed was too low at the foot, but the tiny little bed was just right at the head & foot for her. She lay down on it going into sleep. After a while, the great big bear, the middle bear & the tiny little bear came back home & found her sleeping on the bed of the tiny little bear. Goldy Locks was woken up by the voice of the Tiny Little Bear. Jumping out of bed to the other side of the angry bears, she ran down stairs with her golden hair flying behind her. The 3 bears were so blinded by her bright hair that they fell as they ran after her. She ran away at her top speed through the woods to her home.

    In most modern versions, the Great Big Bear is Papa Bear, the Medium Bear is Mama Bear, & the Tiny Little Bear is Baby Bear. You can find various versions of this story.

~~~~~~~~~ 言葉の遺伝子 ~~~

Goldilocks goldy locks から成り、前部の goldy gold を強調しつつ形容詞化する接尾辞 -y から成る。lock は「(髪の)(毛の)房」の複数形、つまり、ふさのあつまり。したがって、 goldilocks の基本義は【こがねいろ・きいろのふさ・たば (のあつまり)】といったところ。

人に関するときは、「金髪」あるいは、「金髪の人」を指すがGoldilocks が男性・男子に使われることはほとんどなく、普通、女性、とくに女児を指すのに用いられている。

野原に咲く花を指すときは、房状にあつまった小さなきいろい花のあつまりを指す。花の種類は様々だが、キンポウゲやゴールドアスターなど。この種の花は茎のてっぺん () に花を咲かせる。

20世紀になると、英国のおとぎ話『三匹の熊とゴルディロックス (金髪の女の子)』の影響で、  goldilocks は「ちょうどよい、理想的な」といった意味を獲得した。


むかしむかし森の中に大きなお父さんぐまと中くらいのお母さんぐまとちっちゃなあかちゃんぐまがくらしていました (20世紀初頭のジョン・ハッサル版では Great Big Bear, Middle Bear, Tiny Little Bear) 森のはしには小さな金髪の女の子 (ハッサル版では Goldy Locks) と両親が三人で暮らしていました。





なお、 goldy  golden と同義なので、 goldilocks 以外では使われない言葉である。

20世紀になると、 goldilocks はおとぎ話から「ちょうどよい、ほどよい、理想的な、完璧な」などの意味になった。例えば、ゴルディロックスゾーンといえば、惑星の軌道が親星たる恒星から近すぎもせず、遠すぎもしないので、その惑星の水は液体であり、生物が棲むのに「ちょうど良い」状態になる領域を指す。ゴルディロックスゾーンは「居住可能領域 (habitable zone)」とも呼ばれている。


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