Tuesday, August 26, 2014


on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Discovered in p3:
riverrun, past Eve and Adam’s, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.

Humpty Dumpty says:
Riverrun is a seemingly simple compound made with  river & run, whose surface sense is  the “flow of a river which shapes itself.” But (nous) rêverons hides in this river that means “we will dream” in French, I sense. The sound of French r is slightly different that of English r, but their shapes are completely the same. To read Finnegans Wake is like to dream. We should also keep in mind the oldest Westeern philosophy by Heraclitus: you can’t step twice in the same river, for other waters are ever flowing on to you. In other words, permanence is an illusion & everything is changing forever, A Joystream seems to us readers the same sentence all the time, but in fact we can’t step in the same Joystream, because it is  ever flowing onto us like a river. By the way, in Akitsujima, Chomei Kamono is known by his essay HOJOKI, whose opening sentence is: The river is ever flowing which has not had the same waters before.”


riverrun は river と run から成る一見単純な熟語で、その表面上の語義は「川自体を形成する川の流れ」じゃ。じゃが、ヌレヴロンなるものがこの川には潜んでおるのじゃ。フランス語で「われら夢見る」ちゅうことじゃ。フランス語の r音と英語の r音はちょいとちゃう が、形は完全におんなじじゃ。『フィネガンズ・ウェイク (終再起)』を読むことは夢を見ることに似ちょるわい。また、ヘラクレイトスによる西洋最古の哲学も心に止めておくべきじゃろう。同じ川に二度入ることはできぬ。水がたえず流れてくるからじゃ。言い換えれば、恒久は幻影であり、万物は永遠に流転する。ジョイス流はおらだ読者には同じ文に見えるげんども、実際、二度同じジョイス流に踏み込むことはできないのじゃ。なぜなら、ジョイス流は川のようにずっと流れちょるからじゃ。話はそれるが、秋津島には『方丈記』を書いたことで知られる鴨長明っちゅう人がいよるな。その書き出しの文はこうじゃ。行く川の流れは絶えずして、しかも同じ水にあらず」

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