Saturday, November 30, 2024

Change Is Inevitable

Change is inevitable 

Victor Frankenstein, the creator of a man-made life form, in a romance of Mary Shelley, a 19th century English Sheherazade, regrets his own experiments in search for life creation or the conquest of death. The success of his work directly leads to serious miseries for himself. He reasons that the created monster might have killed his beloved brother William & consequently it has caused innocent servant “girl of merit” Justine’s execution by a tricked evidence — later, readers find that his reasoning is correct, & he also loses his best friend Henry Clerval & his newly bride Elizabeth. In chapter 10, Victor Frankenstein has got faith & fear in nature wandering on a snowy mountain path to a viewpoint of Mont Blanc & is very sorry for himself who has tried to rewrite the natural law. Mary Shelley quotes Mutability, her husband Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poem to express Victor Frankenstein’s mind in this chapter. 

We rest; a dream has power to poison sleep, 
We rise; one wandering thought pollutes the day. 
We feel, conceive, or reason; laugh or weep, 
Embrace fond woe, or cast away our cares away: 
It is the same! — For be it joy or sorrow, 
The path of its departure still is free; 
Man’s yesterday may ne’er be like his morrow. 
 Naught may endure but mutability. 


19世紀イングランドのシェヘラザードともいうべきメアリー・シェリーの浪漫小説で、人造生命体の創造主であるヴィクター・フランケンシュタインは、生命創造と死の克服を探求した自らの実験を後悔する。仕事の成功はそのまま彼自身の深刻な悲劇になってしまうからだ。フランケンシュタインの推理では、被創造物である怪物は最愛の弟ウィリアムを殺したし、その結果として、仕掛けられた証拠によって無実であるにも関わらず、フランケンシュタイン家のメイドの「器量よしの女の子」のジャスティンが処刑されてしまう。(後に読者はフランケンシュタインの推理が正しいことを知り、さらに彼は親友のヘンリー・クラーヴァルと新妻のエリザベスを失うことになる。) 第10章で、ヴィクター・フランケンシュタインはモンブランが見える場所へと雪の山道をさまよいながら、自然に対する崇拝の念と恐怖を抱き、自然の法則を書き換えようとしたことを後悔する。メアリー・シェリーはこの章で、夫であるパーシー・ビッシュ・シェリーの『無常』を引用して、ヴィクター・フランケンシュタインの心情を表現している。 

喜びであろうと悲しみであろうと・・・ 同じだ。 


Mutability, in Alaster; or, The Spirit of Solitude: And Other Poems, published by Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1816. 
This poem is quoted in Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus, by Mary Shelley, 1818. 

The man-made creature is rejected by every human being who he meets, simply because he looks ugly. He is judged by his look & never appreciated by his gentle mind. He seeks love, asking Victor Frankenstein to create his wife. After much inner struggle, Frankenstein rejects it. It causes the loss of his best friend Henry Clerval & his newly-wed bride Elizabeth. This is the tragedy of love & revenge.


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