Friday, August 26, 2016

Two Famous Pangrams

Two Famous Pangrams

A pangram in English is a sentence that has all 26 letters of the alphabet. It is probably ideal that every letter of the set of phonograms in a language is used only once in a pangram. Our ancestors accomplished it perfectly. I-Ro-Ha-Ni-Ho-He-To…. is the opening part of a famous pangram in Old Japanese, whose entire sentence was made with all 48 letters of the Old Japanese phonogram set called “hiragana” (the 2 archaic letters have disappeared now,) which says a secret Buddhist law of life or the fate of all living beings: One must die as a beautiful flower must die; & everything is changing in the universe; the truly peaceful happiness, however, awaits us in an afterlife (death has not only taken away all one’s dreams, but also all one’s worries at the same time.) On the other hand, a famous English pangram, though composed far from the idealistic form,  is a sentence that just simply describes daily lives of living beings in this world:

The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.

英語のパングラムは二十六文字をすべて使った文のことである。おそらくパングラムにおける理想は、言語内の表音文字が一度だけ使われていることである。我らのご先祖さまはそれを完璧に成し遂げた。いろはにほへとは、古い日本語の有名なパングラムの冒頭部分であり、その全体文は古文の四十八文字のひらがな (現代ではは消失) でできていて、仏教秘法、生きとし生けるものの運命がうたわれている。「いろはにほへとちりぬるを、わかよたれそつねならむ、うゐのおくやまけふこえて、あさきゆめみしゑひもせすん 一方、有名な英語のパングラムは、理想形からかけはなれて作られているものの、この世のいきものの日々の営みをごくシンプルに描写する文になっている。



life is a joke. a collection of quotations, sayings, poems, & any other things made with words that entertain us.

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