Friday, November 08, 2013


生まれ生まれ生まれて生 (しょう) の始めに暗く、
死に死に死に死んで死の終わりに冥 (くら) し。
--- 空海

word-for-word translation
Born, born, born (= even after you were born many times,) (you) don’t know of the birth of life; died, died, died, (= even after you died many times,) the end is still obscure to you.

free translation
The secret of birth and death is mysterious.
(In the wheel of life, you repeat to be born & die changing bodies or species --- even if you experienced your birth & death many times, you couldn’t know the secret of birth & death yet.)

国巡礼者にはお馴染みのお大師様こと弘法大師空海 (宝亀五年~承和二年Kūkai, 774-835) の『秘蔵宝鑰』(ひぞうほうやく) にある言葉。鑰の字は「かぎ」のこと。この書は従って「秘められた蔵の宝の鑰 (かぎ)」である。この文句は「魂は何も知らずにぐるぐると三界四生を輪廻している」ことを示す空海の説明と受け取れる。

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